Release Notes 1.4.2

∙ No licence needed anymore

Release Notes 1.4.1

∙ Cache does not exceed the harddisk's limit
∙ Option added to clear the cache after successful recording
∙ Crash while building and caching raw images fixed
∙ Non ISO9660 CD can be copied again
∙ /etc/rc.local file is modified optionally
∙ Support for Yamaha CRW 4260 added (use SCSICDWriterYamaha200_400)

Release Notes 1.4

∙ Disc-At-Once writing implemented for nearly all recorders
∙ Multisession (reading and recording) support for nearly all records
∙ "Select Session" panel added to select a session to be read
∙ Tool bar added to select the CD format and to start the recording
∙ Support of multiple host adapters and LUNs added
∙ "Volume Descriptor" and "Label" tabs were removed
∙ Files located in raw images can be accessed using CDDesigner's data tab
∙ New format for MS-DOS CDs added
∙ Progress panel shows more detailed information
∙ "Processing" and "Format Extensions" inspectors removed
∙ "Volume Descriptor" and "Format Attributes" inspector added
∙ Check panel collects errors and displays a list of them
∙ Check panel does not run modal anymore
∙ Errors of the raw image are reported before recording a CD
∙ A small icon was added to show the document's size
∙ When choosing Disc-At-Once a pause may be assigned to any audio track
∙ Multiple audio tracks may be selected to be exported in a single process
∙ "Save To..." of the "Document" menu was replaced by "Export..."
∙ gzdevd does not log to files in /tmp but uses syslog (
∙ Support for host adapters other than Adaptec's and NCR's
∙ A range to be written can be assigned to each sound